They Found A Dog On The Verge Of Death. HOW They Save His Life Is Remarkable!

They Found A Dog On The Verge Of Death. HOW They Save His Life Is Remarkable!

Patrick Dangermond

Trust is a very powerful thing. It isn’t just automatic. It has to be earned. But once it’s earned, some amazing things can happen.

Amanda Guarascio heard about a dog in the hills of Evans Creek, Wash., that was alone and hungry.

People had been trying to help the dog for months, giving him food and water, but he was too terrified of people to accept help. That’s when Amanda and her friend Dylan sprang into action.

This is the dog. Amanda named him Bear. He would occasionally take food from them, but they couldn’t get close enough to put him on a leash. 01-dog-saved-by-girl-lying-down

Amanda came back the next day and tried a new tactic. She tried playing dead. Bear watched them for about 20 minutes before he got bored and left.  02-dog-saved-by-girl-lying-down

Undeterred, the pair tried again. She started to whimper and yawn, which are signs of being calm.  03-dog-saved-by-girl-lying-down

She inched closer and closer to Bear until she was right next to him.  04-dog-saved-by-girl-lying-down

He was scared at first, but Amanda’s patience paid off and he let her get closer. 05-dog-saved-by-girl-lying-down

They cuddled for almost two hours until Amanda felt sure that she could put a leash on Bear. 06-dog-saved-by-girl-lying-down

She was bringing him home. He was so weak that Amanda had to carry him to their car.  07-dog-saved-by-girl-lying-down

The longer that he was in the car, the more comfortable he got with his surroundings. They took him straight to the vet to get him healed up. 08-dog-saved-by-girl-lying-down

Amanda and Dylan are now trying to find the dog’s original owners but until then, he’s theirs. 09-dog-saved-by-girl-lying-down

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