His Former Owner Amputated His Paws. What His New Mom Is Doing For Him Now – WONDERFUL

His Former Owner Amputated His Paws. What His New Mom Is Doing For Him Now – WONDERFUL

Ashley Rego

When Brutus was discovered as a young pup, something incredibly shocking was uncovered about the abandoned dog – he was missing all four of his paws.

His previous owner had tried to treat frostbite that had consumed poor Brutus’ paws by performing an at-home surgery. However, his botched amputation caused so much damage that vets were forced to remove the rest of Brutus’ feet in order to keep him alive.

But the brave dog’s new mommy, along with one amazing company called OrthoPets, are helping to give Brutus a normal, doggy life. With prosthetics built specifically for dogs, Brutus is starting to make strides in returning to a regular canine lifestyle.

His foster mom’s only hope is that one day he’ll be able to play with other dogs, go on runs and scamper around like a normal dog, with comfort and ease.

Judging by his ability to overcome so much already, I’d say his on his way!

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