NBC Cuts Ties With Donald Trump Over Derogatory Immigrant Comments

NBC Cuts Ties With Donald Trump Over Derogatory Immigrant Comments

Genevieve Lopez

Just when we thought Donald Trump couldn’t surprise us any more after announcing his decision to run for the 2016 Presidential Elections against former First Lady, Hilary Rodham Clinton, he’s causing quite a stir with his recent public statement on immigration.

Trump recently made a statement claiming that immigrants are  a major issue in the United States. “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists…”

Univision, a spanish-language network, had immediately dropped the Miss USA Pageant from their programming saying his remarks are extremely “insulting,” and now, NBC is ready to do the same.

Cassidy Wolf, Gabriela Isler, Donald Trump, Erin Brady

NBC was quick to announce, “Donald Trump’s opinions do not represent those of NBC, and we do not agree with his positions on a number of issues, including his recent comments on immigration.” There is no set decision as to whether or not the network will drop the event completely, but if they do, they run the risk of  a lawsuit from Trump, just like the one Trump threatened Univision with.

To no surprise, NBC is under much pressure from an array of Hispanic groups and has announced they will be “ending its business relationship” with Trump.

The 2015 Miss USA pageant that was originally scheduled for July 12, will no longer air on the network, nor will the 2016 Miss Universe pageant that was scheduled for January 2016. Both pageants were once jointly owned by NBC and Trump.

Despite much backlash, Donald Trump isn’t apologizing, nor is he holding anything back. He says he’s only “exposing the truth” and argues that Mexico “is taking advantage of the United States.” He adds, “I don’t have a racist bone in my body. I’m just exposing things that everybody knows is happening, but nobody wants to talk about.”


What are your thoughts? Do you think Donald Trump, who claims he would be the “Greatest Jobs President,” would make a promising U.S. President, or do you think  his controversial statement on immigration reveals a darker side that may lead to destruction?

Share your thoughts, comments and opinions with us. And of course, SHARE the love and pass it on.