She Has Down Syndrome, But NOTHING Is Keeping Her From Defying All Odds. What A Touching Moment!

She Has Down Syndrome, But NOTHING Is Keeping Her From Defying All Odds. What A Touching Moment!

Sophia Gioiello

Every athlete knows the mental and physical preparation that goes into the much anticipated week of tryouts.

You make sure to bring your A-game, no matter what! A good night’s rest, a big bowl of Wheaties and encouraging words from your loved ones is all you need to get your game face on!

Lacey, a 10-year-old girl from North Carolina, just finished her cheerleading tryouts and anxiously awaits the results. She has Down syndrome, but her two older sisters became the best role models and taught her she could do anything she set her mind to. Her mom, Renee Parker, had the iPad out ready to read the results of the tryouts.

Her big sister held the camera to record this unforgettable moment! Lacey reads her number off the page to find out that – YES! – she made the team. Her mom shared the adorable reaction with all her friends on Facebook, and now, millions of people around the world have seen Lacey’s smiling face!

She’s the newest NDMS cheerleader, and her supportive family couldn’t be more proud! Go Lacey!

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