He Has Down Syndrome. But He Asks His Girlfriend Something NO ONE Was Expecting!

He Has Down Syndrome. But He Asks His Girlfriend Something NO ONE Was Expecting!

Genevieve Lopez

Moving in with the person that you love is a monumental time in your life- it is especially for 38-year-old, Salvatore. He had been wanting to ask his girlfriend, Caterina, move in with him for a while, but he wanted to make the special moment grand. So, he enlisted the help of a local a cappella group to surprise Caterina at her work.

Watch the moment he and the group bust through the doors of her work to serenade her with a romantic rendition of Norah Jones’ “Come Away With Me.” Her reaction? It’ll leave you breathless!

We’ve seen plenty of proposals, but nothing like this one before. “Will you move in with me, my love?” is the question that’s breaking barriers for the Down Syndrome community everywhere, all thanks to a man in love!

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