It Only Takes Two Words From This Boy To Leave A Drill Sergeant In Tears

Drill Sergeant

It Only Takes Two Words From This Boy To Leave A Drill Sergeant In Tears

Bethany Burrows

Every child seems to go through a period of time where they just want to do the exact opposite of what they’re being told. This preteen was going through a rough time and what happened next changed everything.

In an episode of Jenny Jones’ “Bootcamp My Preteen,” this troubled 10-year-old boy was being shipped off to bootcamp to learn a few lessons in life, but with only two words, he taught everyone else an even bigger lesson.

The drill sergeant was drilling the young boy for being problematic to his mother and asks, “Do you want ME to be your daddy for the next 8 years?!” To everyone’s surprise the boy answers, “Yes, sir!” When you find out why, it just might leave you in tears.

This short video clip explains a whole lot in today’s society! Daddy’s make a big difference in a child’s life, more than we might ever realize!

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