This Duracell Ad Perfectly Shows What It’s Like To Have a Loved One Away in The Military

This Duracell Ad Perfectly Shows What It’s Like To Have a Loved One Away in The Military

Erika Carter

Military life can be hard on families. The days, weeks, months, even years of separation can be tough on parents and kids. Statistics say that nearly half of all active U.S. military members on active duty have at least one child at home, as reported by A Plus.

Children have to endure the pain of not having their mom or dad around for an extended period of time, while parents miss out on precious time seeing their little ones grow up. All of this makes the sacrifice our armed forces make on a daily basis that much more respected, honorable and appreciated.

Luckily, we live in a day and age where we can pick up a phone and FaceTime or Skype loved ones who are far away. But sometimes virtual interaction just doesn’t cut it — nothing compares to being able to hug and kiss the ones you love.

Battery company and household name Duracell understands that feeling and made an ad that perfectly captures what its like to have a loved one in the military.

The ad tells the story of a little girl whose father is away on duty. He sends her a teddy bear that says “I love you, baby girl” when she squeezes it. But as the days go on she misses her dad more and more.

Finally, the ad ends with her dad coming home and saying in person, “I love you, baby girl.” The point and slogan of this ad is, “The ones you trust are always there.”

According to Duracell the story was based off a true story. Although it is a commercial, it perfectly captures the feeling so many of us feel while loved ones are away on deployment.

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