He’s The First In Line For Black Friday, But It’s His Set-Up That’s Making Everyone Go Nuts!

He’s The First In Line For Black Friday, But It’s His Set-Up That’s Making Everyone Go Nuts!

Angela Markus

Black Friday enthusiasts know the key to getting the merchandise you want in the sale is camping out early in front of the store of your choice. One Arizona man is making sure nobody gets a better Black Friday deal than he does. He has been camping outside of Best Buy since Sunday.

“I’m here early because they say the early bird gets the worm, and the early, early, early bird gets the biggest worm, and I guess I’m the bird and I’m trying to get the worm,” Jarvis Johnson told a local news station.

This is not Johnson’s first time at the rodeo either. It is actually his eighth year camping out for the super post-Thanksgiving deals. He admits to getting smarter every year. In the clip, Johnson gave the reporter a brief tour of his pad—a large tent complete with a heater, microwave, refrigerator, TV and full-size bed. The only thing he seems to be missing is WiFi. Something he is “working on.”

Although Johnson might have the most elaborate digs, he’s far from the only person lined up for deals nearly a week early. There are several people camped out of the Best Buy just like Johnson. Let’s just hope Johnson and the others get what they want.

The Black Friday phenomenon have claimed several lives in recent years. BlackFridayDeathCount.com, a site that monitors news reports on Black Friday-related accidents, reports that there have been seven deaths related to the shopping day over a six-year period.

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