Plot Twist: You’ve Been Eating Ketchup Wrong Your Whole Life

Plot Twist: You’ve Been Eating Ketchup Wrong Your Whole Life

Erika Carter

Unpopular opinion: I like fast food. I mean, I don’t love it or live on it or anything, but I certainly don’t have the moral opposition to fast food that seems to be all the rage these days. So sue me: I like McDonalds fries.

One of the not-so-great things about fast food, though, is those pesky little ketchup holders. If I’m going to throw my diet to the wind and sit down and eat a tray of french fries, I want to be able to shove fistfulls into my mouth — not have to dip one or two fries in the ketchup at a time. Seriously, I know this is the first world problem to end all first world problems, but those paper ketchup holders really put a damper on my cheat meals.

Well, as it turns out, I’ve been using those paper cups wrong — and I’m assuming you have been too. Apparently, the creator of the little ketchup cups designed them to fan out, allowing french fry lovers everywhere to dip more than one fry in the ketchup at a time. Hallelujah!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to head on over to McDonalds and test this theory out for myself. Look out fries, I’m coming for you!

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