EOS Lip Balm Gets Backlash For Causing Blisters and Rashes To Users

EOS Lip Balm Gets Backlash For Causing Blisters and Rashes To Users

Angela Markus

The round packaging of this product makes it so attractive when compared to other products, but now EOS lip balm is in the news, and it has nothing to do with its cute shape. A class action suit has been filed against the lip balm company, claiming that use of their product caused blistering and rashes.

Rachel Cronin, a plaintiff of lawsuit, claims that use of the product has caused burning, blistering, bleeding and rashes within hours after application. EOS or ‘Evolution of Smooth,’ for those unfamiliar, is the lip balm housed in the weird orb that look like eggs.

Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus and Britney Spears have all endorsed the product on their social media pages. When the product first launched it was sold at a premium price.



Now numerous users are posting horror stories of their experience after using EOS. Cronin’s attorney has included the pictures in the suit, and claims that his client wants damages and for “the company to alter their advertising.”





People have taken their complaints to social media.

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In an article for Teen Vogue, Dr. Sutton-Ramsey recommends in a situation where there is an allergic reaction to any beauty product use a mild soap to ensure that it’s thoroughly removed.

If the reaction persists, he says to apply 1% hydrocortisone to calm down the symptoms. Of course, if there are extreme effects, go to a doctor immediately.

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