When You See What She Does To A PB&J Sandwich You’ll Never Eat Them Any Other Way!

When You See What She Does To A PB&J Sandwich You’ll Never Eat Them Any Other Way!

Bethany Burrows

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are every mom’s quick go-to lunch that just about any kid loves. So what can you do to spruce up the traditional PB&J?

This mom decided to put a fun twist on the already tasty sandwich, and it couldn’t look more delicious.

She went about making a completely normal PB&J sandwich, but she added ONE extra step at the end that changed everything. Once the sandwich was finished she put it on her waffle iron!

She let her waffle iron heat both sides before cutting it into squares and enjoying. Can you imagine how good that warm, gooey PB&J must have tasted? I’ve gotta make this for myself!

Do you have any tricks to make ordinary sandwiches a little more extraordinary?

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