Woman Writes Heartfelt Letter to Her Loved Ones Before Her Death

Woman Writes Heartfelt Letter to Her Loved Ones Before Her Death

Angela Markus

Coping with the death of a loved one is extremely difficult. When one woman knew she did not have a lot of time to spend with her loved ones, she wrote a long, heartfelt note to each one to help them cope with the loss.

Heather McManamy, 36, of McFarland, made headlines earlier this year when she wrote loving letters marking several upcoming milestones in her young daughter’s life, which the four-year-old could read after her mother was gone. But the little girl wasn’t the only one who would have messages prepared for her. Heather also wrote a letter to all of her friends and family, which her husband shared online after she succumbed to her illness.

Heather was first diagnosed with stage two breast cancer in April 2013. After several surgeries and rounds of chemotherapy, it spread to her liver and bones. In April 2014, she received the crushing news that her cancer was terminal.

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The bleak prognosis made the former research specialist at the University of Wisconsin think carefully about what would happen when she left behind her husband of 13 years, Jeff, and their daughter, Brianna.



Heather understood she was going to miss many milestones in her child’s life. While she knew she wasn’t going to get to experience those moments with her daughter, she wanted a way for her daughter to hold on to her memory. Sadly, most of those letters won’t be hand delivered, but the very last letter she wrote to her family and friends was shared by her husband for all to read on her Facebook page.


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Surprisingly, the mother started off her heartfelt letter with a bit of humor, and kept it upbeat even through her saddest declarations.

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Read the rest of the note here, with a box of tissues nearby.

SHARE the love, pass it on.


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