Customers Leave Waiter Fake $20 Bill To Spread The Word of God

Customers Leave Waiter Fake $20 Bill To Spread The Word of God

Angela Markus

Garret Wayman is a 17-year-old waiter who works at a restaurant in a suburb of Wichita, Kansas. After serving a customer, he was excited to see a $20 bill tucked under a ketchup bottle as a tip. Upon closer inspection, his excitement quickly turned to irritation after he realized it was not what he expected.

What Wayman got was a religious pamphlet disguised to look like money that recommended he seek faith through Jesus Christ and start reading the bible.

He took to social media to release the frustration of that offering that he was not too happy about.



The fake $20 had this message:

“Don’t be fooled! There is something you can have more valuable than money.” On the back was an eight-paragraph argument for why Wayman should buy a Bible and become a Christian.



Speaking the Tech Insider, Wayman said, “I wanted to tell him that I only make $3 an hour and bust my a** at my job to make way less than I deserve, but he was gone by the time I had the chance to.”



Clearly frustrated, the teen shared pictures of the fake tip on Twitter. He was supported by fellow users and received many sympathetic responses. Still hurt by the matter, he wrote, “To get my hopes up like that … is just flat out mean.”

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