People Told Her She Was Too Fat To Be Sexy, But She Ignored The Haters And Proved EVERYONE Wrong!

People Told Her She Was Too Fat To Be Sexy, But She Ignored The Haters And Proved EVERYONE Wrong!

Sophia Gioiello

In a world filled with unattainable standards for beauty, there can never be too many campaigns for body positivity. Learning to love yourself, exactly how you are, is a struggle that not just women, but people everywhere, face!

Whitney Thore is just one incredible example of this constant battle. She is a self-proclaimed “fat dancer” and she’s on mission to spread her love and body positivity.

Whitney has always enjoyed dancing, but during her teenage years she began to gain weight at an uncontrollable rate. She lost all of her confidence and eventually quit dancing entirely.

After her weight rocketed to 250 pounds and she was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Whitney finally said ENOUGH. She stopped listening to the bullies telling her that she was too fat to be sexy, smart and talented. She learned to accept her body and love the person she is.

Listening to Whitney speak will instantly brighten your day. Help spread some love and body positivity with all your friends and family!

SHARE Whitney’s story on Facebook!