Father Records Heartfelt Speech at His Daughter’s Grave and It Will Break Your Heart

Father Records Heartfelt Speech at His Daughter’s Grave and It Will Break Your Heart

Angela Markus

Parents will tell you that one of their biggest fears is losing a child, and those parents who have had the unfortunate experience will tell you, it is one of the worst circumstances to endure. Many say the same thing—a piece of them die with the passing of a child. A grieving father, Rick Ellis, visited a cemetery on the fourth anniversary of his 6-year-old daughter’s death. He used his cell phone to record a tearful plea asking those who have drinking problems to get help now and never drive drunk.

“Maybe. . . Just maybe this will help you! It was hard for me to do this so don’t take it for granted!” These were the words written by Rick Ellis on Facebook along with an emotional video he recorded in front of his daughter’s grave. Ellis lost his little girl four years ago in a drunk driving accident. The worst part, Rick says the child’s mother was the driver.

“I’m gonna tell you something. Life isn’t about getting high.”

“My little girl was killed from a mother who wanted to get high, drink, party and have fun.  It didn’t work out too well.”

Rick then turns the camera to a gravestone with the names Christy M. Johnson Ellis and Lindsey Kay Ellis. He then says, “This is my precious little girl who had been killed in a drunk driving accident.  Her mother had been partying for two days, staying up all night, drinking whiskey, having fun.  Everything was great.  Well, it ‘ain’t so great now.”

Sadly, mother and daughter were crushed to death in an accident near Beaumont, Mississippi, while the mother was on her way to Gulf Shores Alabama.

Such a tragedy can be a lesson for others. Our hearts go out to this strong dad.

It is important to SHARE this important message.