Woman’s Heartbreaking Facebook Post Will Remind You To Never Drink And Drive

Woman’s Heartbreaking Facebook Post Will Remind You To Never Drink And Drive

Angela Markus

Despite legal initiatives and public education campaigns, drunk driving remains a serious problem in the United States. The Center for Disease Control reports that almost 30 people are killed in drunk-driving related incidents on a daily basis.

We should need little to no reminder why it is extremely crucial not to drive while intoxicated, but just in case you need another, here is one story that broke our hearts. 

While riding along with her baby and husband in a car, Destiny Mantia’s life was turned upside down. A drunk driver crashed into them killing her son instantly and her husband a day later. Destiny wrote about the horrifying events on a recent Facebook post.



A year ago today was like many other days. Corey Mantia woke up and went to work. Parker and I stayed at home and played together all day. Corey later came home [and] played with our sweet baby as we waited to load up for a wrap appointment. That spare cash was much needed for our little family. Well time comes for us to leave. Little did we know in a few short minutes everything would change. We would no longer get to live our future together. Any dreams we had would no longer happen together. We wouldn’t get to purchase our first house together, we wouldn’t get to take Parker for his first haircut, his first day at school, and our family would never grow. This would be it. Everything we would have ever known would come to an end and not by choice.

On our way to this wrap appointment my amazing husband whom was driving, my precious baby whom I still nursed and kept rear facing watching Mickey Mouse Club house, and I were struck nearly head on at an excessive speed by a drunk driver. This is a date and time that will forever be embedded in my head. The action of this one selfish person who thought they were ‘ok’ to drive instantly took the life of my sweet innocent 15 month old son in the back seat. She would cause my husband and I to be air-lifted from the scene where my husband would [lose] his fight 24 hours later. She would cause a family to be devastated and emergency personnel to need counseling.



One selfish decision to drink and drive caused me to be a widow and a mom to an angel at the age of 21. [The driver] has caused many nightmares with the news of various reports being released such as an autopsy of my baby being sent to me or many reconstruction pictures. Many things a 21 year old should never have to see or imagine. She ended any dreams that we may have had together and caused pain I never knew existed.



That day the Destiny that was a mom and wife died as well. I’ve [since] had to find myself. I never knew the strength I could pull out that I never knew I had. I think I was able to find this strength through the prayers and support of many friends and family and also an amazing widows group who kept me knowing I was normal for feeling how I felt.



This hurt, pain and our future could [have] all been prevented if someone would have stepped up and stopped this selfish woman from drinking and driving. You can save someone’s life too! Don’t allow your friends and family drink and drive. Don’t share DUI checkpoints. Be an advocate! Stand up with me! Let’s stop this. One is too many. DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE!



May this heartbreaking story be enough for you to help stop drinking and driving once and for all. Our hearts go out to you, Destiny Mantia!

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