Felix The 10-Month-Old Baby Sees His Mom’s Twin For The First Time — And It’s Ridiculously Adorable

Felix The 10-Month-Old Baby Sees His Mom’s Twin For The First Time — And It’s Ridiculously Adorable

Kendall Conners

For babies, every day is a new adventure. Everything they see, smell, touch and hear is brand new to them — talk about sensory overload! If tasting a lemon for the first time is a life-changing moment for a newborn, imagine how 10-month-old Felix felt when he met his aunt for the first time.

But it wasn’t just any aunt that this adorable little baby met for this first time. He met his mom’s sister … who happens to be her twin. When Felix the baby first lay on his mom’s twin, his reaction is one of the most adorable and hilarious things I’ve ever seen!

They set it up so someone was holding Felix while his mom’s twin was waiting around the corner. I believe his mom is the one filming and when she gives the cue, Felix rounds the corner and sees his aunt for the first time.

His reaction is one of the best I’ve ever seen! This little guy is just too cute!

Watch Felix the adorable 10-month-old baby meet his mom’s twin for the first time below and see his reaction for yourself!

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