She Lost Her Baby To Cancer. Now She’s Keeping Her Promise To Him By Posting This Video To Facebook…

She Lost Her Baby To Cancer. Now She’s Keeping Her Promise To Him By Posting This Video To Facebook…

Angela Markus

One way to find meaning in a terrible loss is to use that pain to help other people. That is exactly how Alissa Silva is handling her grief. The unexplainable pain of losing her child to cancer has encouraged her to share his story and bring awareness to a powerful cause.

Baby Mason, was born on April 5, 2013, but got sick six months later. What Mom thought was a simple bug was confirmed to be something far worse. Mason had myelodysplastic syndrome and AML leukemia.

Mason endured chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant. For a brief moment, he was even declared cancer-free and was able to go home from the hospital. Unfortunately, the night before his first birthday, he relapsed and Alissa and her family lost Mason 23 days later. Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow, the spongy tissue inside bones where blood cells are made. 

Alissa donates most of her time to bringing awareness to the number of people affected by these disorders and the lack of funding geared toward treatment. She is consoled by memory of the smiles of Baby Mason.

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You can keep up with  the cause by following the FaceBook page Baby Mason Updates and giving back.

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