All The Fireworks Were Set Off At Once And It Was Epically Beautiful

Fireworks Gone Wrong

All The Fireworks Were Set Off At Once And It Was Epically Beautiful

Erika Carter

It was like any other 4th of July on the beach, but the closing act of the day was more than what any San Diego family could have imagined.

The cloudless night was ready for a stupendous show prepared for families that came out to the beach to celebrate their nation’s birthday.

Families were lying on their blankets enjoying their evening when suddenly the sky erupted into a ball of light. Children, startled, ran away from the frighteningly beautiful scene as others began to take out their phones to film the night sky being lit up by thousands of fireworks going off all at the same time.

A deafening drumroll of explosions is all that could be heard and a mushroom of both bright colored lights and cloud forms over the course of about 30 seconds. No one was prepared for such a show and the awe is evident in the atmosphere as the crowd is buzzing with excitement – enjoying the tribute to their nation’s independence. As the dazzling show comes to an end, a spectator declares, “This is the best fireworks show ever!”

Enjoy America’s independence and please SHARE the love and pass it on!