At First I Thought It Was The Brady Bunch But This Is WAY Better!

At First I Thought It Was The Brady Bunch But This Is WAY Better!

Patrick Dangermond

One of my favorite things every time of year is when the big game comes around. There is so much going on between the pageantry, the half-time show and the game itself. However, I think my favorite part of all is the commercials. They are so entertaining every year.

This is a Snickers commercial that had me in stitches. At first, I thought it was going to be a spin-off of the television show The Brady Bunch. However, then actor Danny Trejo came out playing Marsha. Then Steve Buscemi came out. That’s when I lost it.

This is spectacular work from Snickers and I can’t wait to see what else they come up with. If it’s anything close to this, it’s going to be amazing!

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