She Bought A Painting For $7 At The Flea Market. What It’s ACTUALLY Worth? WOW!

She Bought A Painting For $7 At The Flea Market. What It’s ACTUALLY Worth? WOW!

Patrick Dangermond

Have you ever been to a flea market and prowled around, hoping to find a potential gold mine in the piles of old sweaters, worn lamps and knick knacks? Well, one woman did and is now in a court battle to retain her treasure.

A woman named Marcia Fuqua went to a flea market in Virginia and purchased a painting from a dealer for $7. She later discovered that it was actually a painting from the famous artist Renoir titled “Paysage Bords de Seine.” She took it to an auction house where it was appraised to be worth $75,000! This is where the story gets good.

Two separate organizations have come forward to claim actual ownership of the painting. One is the Baltimore Museum of Art who claims that the painting was stolen from them in 1951. The other is an insurance company who put in a claim for the painting when it was stolen.

This case is in the courts right now, and I can’t wait to find out the resolution!

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