Football Coach Was Told Not To Pray, But Nothing Is Keeping This Man From Showing His Faith…

Football Coach Was Told Not To Pray, But Nothing Is Keeping This Man From Showing His Faith…

Erika Carter

Joe Kennedy, a former US Marine and assistant football coach at Bremerton High School in Seattle, is being told by the government to stop praying with his football players. Understandably, he is not happy about it.

After a recent tough loss, Kennedy knelt by himself at the 50 yard line and began a private prayer, saying:

“Lord, I thank you for these kids and the blessing you’ve given me with them. We believe in the game, we believe in competition, and we can come into it as rivals and leave as brothers.”

Shortly after beginning the prayer, fans and players of not only his own team but the rival team gathered around Kennedy and joined him in his solemn invocation.



Kennedy grew nervous as he noticed bodies gathering around him, uttering to himself “I’m hoping they’re not kids.” Why would he say that? Well, shortly before the game, Kennedy had been directed by the school district to stop leading his team in prayer before, during and after games. When players asked if they could join him, Kennedy said, “It’s a free country.”



He initially backed down from the school district, but as a Marine who served tours of duty in Desert Storm and Desert Shield, he claims that even though he doesn’t know the ins and outs of the Constitution, he spent many years defending it.



A religious liberty group called the Liberty Institute has stated that if the district does in fact fire Kennedy, they will take legal action against the district on his behalf.

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