This Father of Four Started “The Gentlemen Project” To Teach His Kids Valuable Lessons

This Father of Four Started “The Gentlemen Project” To Teach His Kids Valuable Lessons

Erika Carter

It is difficult sometimes in this very fast-paced world to find time to spend with our children. It is even more difficult, given that the parameters we live in are very geared toward technologically-based entertainment, to pass on what some may consider old-fashioned values to our children. I’m afraid from what I have seen in my life it may be a lost art. I don’t remember the last time someone stood up on the subway to give an older person a seat.

These are the types of things that Mr. Chugg and his wife think about too. Mr. Chugg is an entrepreneur who started a men’s clothing store helping men look their best at business and formal occasions. His work is to make men look like gentlemen. Hopefully when they look like gentlemen, they will behave as such.

Mr. Chugg is a father to four children. One day his son asked him a question that changed his life — his son wanted to know what a gentleman was.


Mr. Chugg began putting together a beautiful leather-bound book with inspirational stories and “rules to live by”. These would not only ensure that you would be a gentleman, but a better all-around person, and enjoy life to the fullest.

These are also characteristics he wanted to instill in his daughters as well. He wanted them to know more than just to put the phone down at dinner, or that texting was not actually a conversation, he wanted them to be practiced in the art of living their lives fully, actually giving themselves to the other people who meant something in their lives.


When his son asked him one night, “Dad, why can’t everybody do the gentleman project?” — he knew he needed to share this project with the world. So he found a business partner and started producing thousands of these leather-bound books. On the cover of each leather book it says “Things I Learned From My Dad”. They also started a website with the mission of “to strengthen families and society by preserving and teaching the art of being a gentleman,” according to A Plus.

On the cover of each leather book it says “Things I Learned From My Dad”. They also started a website with the mission of “to strengthen families and society by preserving and teaching the art of being a gentleman,” according to A Plus.


From there “The Gentlemen Project” has gone global.

A Plus asked Mr. Chugg what he thought the qualities and traits of a gentleman are. These are his answers, according to A Plus.

1. Look outside yourself

He calls this “service above self” when he’s teaching his kids about it.

He advises the children to look outside of themselves. He doesn’t want them just to consider their own wants and needs, but he wants them to help and serve others. When we help others, our lives become richer more fulfilling in the process.

2. Appreciation

 There’s always room for more appreciation. Write a thank-you card, tell someone how much you appreciate something they did for you — one small gesture can mean the world to someone else.


3. Passion

“Passion for your work, passion for your family, passion for your community and passion for your hobbies,” he told A Plus. A life with passion is a life with purpose.

4. Communication

He stresses the importance of face-to-face communication. Not texting someone, or talking on the phone, but looking someone in the eye when you’re talking to them. He fears this is going to be a lost past time in our society, but wants to stress the importance of it.

He says we need to “learn to balance the use of technology and basic manners,” as reported by A Plus.

He goes on to say that these characteristics are not just limited to gentlemen — he wants his daughters to learn these qualities as well.


Personally, I think it’s great what he’s doing! We as parents need to slow down, take time, get involved and teach our children how important these values and qualities are. Maybe the art of being a gentlemen isn’t lost.

Check out The Gentlemen Project here to learn more about it!

And, as always, SHARE the love and pass it on! 


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