Deep Sea Diver Comes Face To Face With A Giant Great White Shark

Deep Sea Diver Comes Face To Face With A Giant Great White Shark

Jamaica Bravo

I highly doubt anyone would be crazy enough to have “High Five a Great White Shark” written on their bucket list — unless you’re researcher and thrill-seeker Maurico Hoyos Padilla.

He decided to take a dip off the coast of the Guadalupe Island in Mexico, where he came face to face with a great white shark – literally! From the looks of this video he uploaded to Facebook recently, Maurico looks like he’s done this plenty of times before.

Watch as he fearlessly exits his cage as the then-pregnant, 22-foot shark circles above him. You’ll be gripped to your seat the entire duration of the video watching her swim closer to him. Just when you think she’s about to swallow him whole, Maurico reaches his hand towards her and gives the expecting mommy a high-five!

There’s no telling why this shark didn’t go in for the kill. The two could be lifelong friends for all we know, but rather than the horrific story we were all expecting, these two shared a special moment you’ll only hear in stories.

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