When You See Just How CONFUSED This Young Girl Is With a Landline Phone, You’ll Feel Old!

When You See Just How CONFUSED This Young Girl Is With a Landline Phone, You’ll Feel Old!

Angela Markus

It wasn’t that long ago when the only option for making phone calls was the landline. But from that time until now, the new generations have been exposed to many other viable options, and they don’t have a clue as how the device we once used works. I am guessing it is quite similar to when I was dumbfounded by an 8-track. Presently, technology has afforded the luxury of hanging up phone calls with the swipe of a finger. So here is what a child looks like when faced with the challenge of hanging up a phone that does not have a screen.

This little lady has no idea of how to operate a landline phone. It may not come as a surprise, but I do not think much of to the younger generations does either. In her family’s hotel room, Layla’s dad can be heard requesting a wakeup call from the concierge. Then her father asks her to hang up the phone for him.

The youngster, dressed in a yellow T-shirt and sucking on a lollipop, stares at him blankly before asking, “How do I do that?” Her father then says, “Are you serious? It’s a phone, hang it up.”

Layla looks baffled and begins examining the phone, and the poor thing is surely confused by the fact there is no screen to help do so. She then has to call out to her mother for help. Her mother comes over to assist and simply says, “Just put it down!”

Thankfully, Dad was quick enough to film the whole episode eventually bursting into laughter. I am sorry Makayla, but so did we.

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