This Little Girl Is Not A Fan Of Waking Up To Snow

This Little Girl Is Not A Fan Of Waking Up To Snow

Angela Markus

You might love the snow because it offers the opportunity to make snowmen and you can go sledding. Then again, you might hate it because of how the white stuff feels when it creeps into your boots and traps you inside for days. The scenery is quite pleasant when it first falls, but by the next morning it is all dirty. We all have a love-hate relationship with snow, but this little girl just “does not like it!”

She has a hilarious reaction when her dad shows her the evidence of snow. She takes off running with such dramatic flare, even the cat makes an entrance to see what all of the hooplas is about.

The little girl tells her dad, “I don’t like it,” clearly distraught by the blanket of white. Dad tries to comfort her by agreeing to the fact that he doesn’t like the snow anymore than she does.

She even cries out, “Go away snow!” so heart-wrenchingly, you can’t help but sympathize. Dad asks, “Don’t you think it’s pretty?” She contemplates for a quick second, and then reassures herself that she does not like it.

So funny! Are you a fan of the snow?

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