10-Year-Old Girl Kills 800-Pound Alligator With Crossbow

10-Year-Old Girl Kills 800-Pound Alligator With Crossbow

Angela Markus

Not many women, let alone 10-year old girls, would tackle an 800-pound alligator, but Ella Hawk did. Armed with her crossbow, the Texas girl shot and killed the alligator from 15 yards away on the Guadalupe River in South Texas, according to the Daily Mail. 

Ella killed the 13-foot reptile with her first shot, and told local reports that she wasn’t even nervous.

“They said it was really big,” she told the newspaper. “I was so excited.”

Ella and her parents set off on the likely record-breaking hunt with guide Ryan Longer a few miles south of Victoria near U.S. 77 and the Guadalupe River, about 45 miles north of the Gulf of Mexico.

Longer is the owner of a hunting service named Longer’s Outdoors. He told local newspapers that the gator was the biggest one he’s ever seen. He said the gator was baited and hooked in the middle of the river with a log and rope. Then, Ella shot the animal from the bank.


She said, “The first shot paralyzed and killed him.” Just for added measure, Hawk, under Longer’s supervision shot the creature two additional times with the crossbow and once with a .243-caliber pistol, the newspaper said.




Longer waded through the muddy water to then pull the alligator to the bank. Singing her praise, the guide said, “I have more confidence in her than probably more than 90 percent of the grown men I take on hunts.”


According to the newspaper, Hawk’s most recent kill puts her in a good position to receive the Trophy Game Records of the World Huntress of the Year award for the second consecutive time.

Way to go girl! SHARE the love and pass it on.


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