Woman Mistaken for Comic Book Hero Inspires Young Girl

Woman Mistaken for Comic Book Hero Inspires Young Girl

Angela Markus

Wonder Woman will always be special- she is the original all-American female superhero; she has a historical presence that reaches almost as large as her male compatriots like Superman. The fact that she was never a conventional blondie was an added bonus that rendered her adaptable and inspiring to the different inner needs of her fans, like a true American icon. She merged toughness, sexiness, and smarts in a perfect comic book package. No wonder little girls over the decades love and identify with her.

Nancy Jundi had an interesting encounter when she went for her morning coffee at her local 7-11. She learned she had an adorable little fan who had mistaken her for superhero Wonder Woman. But it was how Jundi responded to the little girl that made the moment truly remarkable.

The little girl’s mother told her, ‘She thinks you’re Wonder Woman,’ whispered the mom in broken English. ‘You’re her favorite… Could you… I’m so sorry…’”

Jundi wrote about the occurrence on her Facebook page. The little girl saw her and screamed. Immediately, she got down to eye-level of four-year-old Sofia and did what any superhero would do.

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Jundi was asked, “Why aren’t you wearing your uniform?” Her response was classic. “Well, I work with non-superheroes for most of the day—even though we do superhero stuff on the computer.” Then the little fan inquired about the aspects that made Wonder Woman the superhero that she is: her boots, tiara, and bracelets.

“I love my boots— and I’ll tell you a secret, even when you can’t see my tiara, I’m wearing a crown. It’s like my Invisible Jet. Wanna touch it?’” Then Jundi decided to pass on very special gift.

Imagine the elation of touching Wonder Woman’s invisible crown. Jundi wrote, “I asked her if she’d like my crown. ‘I have more, promise, but I want you to have this one.’ She was so happy. So, so happy.”




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The epic encounter culminated with these words written by Jundi. “[U]ntil something in this world tells her differently, she’ll carry herself like she’s wearing that crown. And hopefully, that crown will help her tell the world to stick it, if and when it ever tells her she’s anything other than worthy.”




Absolutely champion of her!

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