This Girl With Down Syndrome Is About To Do Something That’s Never Been Done Before. So Inspiring!

This Girl With Down Syndrome Is About To Do Something That’s Never Been Done Before. So Inspiring!

Ashley Rego

As Jamie Brewer takes prideful steps down the catwalk during this year’s New York Fashion Week, not only will she stun us all with her gorgeous designer Carrie Hammer dress, but she will also make history as the FIRST woman with Down Syndrome to stride the runway! 

Part of Hammer’s “Role Models Not Runway Models” campaign, Jamie will help show off part of the line that was made to represent the women who actually wear her clothes (aka women who simply kick ass!)

Woman from all over the world have contacted Hammer, thanking her for changing the face of fashion, saying things like: 

Thank you for being the change that is long overdue. I could literally cry every time I read an article talking about your decision to include a model who just happens to have a disability! YOU are what this world needed!”

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Most recognized for her role as Addie in the “American Horror Story” series, Jamie has been an advocate for people with intellectual disabilities for years now and couldn’t be more excited for this chance to strut her stuff on the catwalk, representing and honoring all the woman who have been living with her same disease.

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Jamie gives us a sneak peek on her twitter account behind the scenes at this years Fashion Week in NYC, hashtagging the candid photo with #RoleModelsNotRunwayModels!

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Watch as Jamie makes history and becomes the first woman with down syndrome to ever walk down the runway at NYFW!

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And absolutely kills it!

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This young woman is truly an inspiration to us all! Not only does she encourage all young women to be who they are, but she helps remind everyone that if you have a goal you want to achieve, no matter what boundaries are in the way, if you work for it, it’s yours!

SHARE this Jamie’s admirable achievement!


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