They Give Him A Box Of Pizza. Minutes Later- You’ll NEVER Look At A Homeless Person The Same Way Again!

They Give Him A Box Of Pizza. Minutes Later- You’ll NEVER Look At A Homeless Person The Same Way Again!

Genevieve Lopez

Youtubers OckTV are about to prove that kindness comes in forms in their recent social experiment.

They send two of their crew members out on the streets to see just how willing other people will share their food. “I’m really hungry. Can I have a slice of pizza,” they ask a few strangers. 100% of the time they’re denied food, and the majority of the time their rejection is followed by rude comments.

Then, the crew members give a half-eaten box of pizza to a homeless man, eager for food. Within 20 minutes, they’re back and asking for food. Just when you thought there was no faith in humanity, what this homeless man does with his food will make your heart melt.

It’s surreal scenarios like this that prove just how important it is to be kind. I guarantee you’ll never look at a homeless person the same way again after watching this.

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