This Is What Golfing With a Three Year Old Looks Like.

This Is What Golfing With a Three Year Old Looks Like.

Genevieve Lopez

Three year old Grace is by no means a professional golfer, but Dad had to learn that the hard way when he took his little one out one afternoon to hit a few rounds. Despite her inabilities to hit the golf ball, Grace sure teaches us a lesson in perseverance. This young girl uses a golf club and attempts to hit the golf ball over and over again, and although it’s quite a show to watch, she’s not having it.

She’s throwing the golf club on the ground, crossing her arms, and even pouting her lips at her lack of golfing skills. She gets increasingly frustrated as she tries over and over again to hit the ball without success.

Grace tries different stances, she changes how she holds the golf club, and she even tries getting closer to the ball. She nearly gives up until she gives it one more try. Finally, she hits the ball! Dad gives her a praise and rather than retiring from her golfing career, she’s ready for some more!

We can all learn from the little Gracie-that-could. Just like her, we need to have ambitious goals and set plans on how to meet them. We need to use the best strategies we can find to be successful. We can’t give up just because there are challenges that threaten to prevent us from meeting out goals.

Let’s learn from Grace and just keep trying! (But good luck looking this cute doing it!) Please, SHARE the love and pass it on.