Good Samaritan Leaves Kind Note and Surprise Gift For Car Owner

Good Samaritan Leaves Kind Note and Surprise Gift For Car Owner

Angela Markus

As sheer luck would have it, not everyone on this planet is an insufferable evil person. In fact, some people have proven themselves to be quite pleasant if not downright charming. Take, for example, this self-described “world’s most random good Samaritan.” Making good on his claims to be both “most random” and a “good Samaritan,” this unidentified individual decided to reward a stranger with a free hubcap simply because.

Not much is mentioned details accompany this story, but it is loaded with that savory sense of humanity that everyone craves most this time of year. You never know what someone is going through and uplifting one’s day with a random act of kindness can be quite inspiring. It can even cause a chain effect of random acts of kindness.

Accompanying the hubcap was a note that read, “Yo Dawg, I noticed your car only had 3 hubcaps. My car at one time also only had 3 hubcaps. I couldn’t find the same ones, so I bought a different set, but for some reason, saved the old ones. I feel like a shitty version of the rap guy who pimps rides. Enjoy the sweet hubcap playa.”



Then the stranger fittingly signed the note with a perfect handle, “The world’s most random good samaritan.”

The car owner took his story to Reddit, getting plenty of praise from other strangers. He reminds us all to “pay it forward.”

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Doesn’t this inspire you to go out and pay it forward today?

SHARE the love and pass it on.


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