She HAD To Grab The Camera The Moment She Saw Her 12-Year-Old Pup Doing THIS!

She HAD To Grab The Camera The Moment She Saw Her 12-Year-Old Pup Doing THIS!

Sophia Gioiello

When you’re tired and feeling a little lazy, anywhere seems like a great spot to sleep. For this adorable dog, Mini, the perfect spot happens to be in a bed that does not belong to her!

Her owner walked in from work to find Mini completely sprawled out in the most unlikely spot! She was completely surprised to see her 12-year-old pup acting like a real baby.

She instantly grabbed her camera to capture this hilarious moment! What would you do if you found your dog doing this?! I think I would have to press record too!

Watch the video below to find out WHERE Mini decided to take her afternoon nap. Make sure to SHARE with all your friends on Facebook!