Grandma Was Asked Her Thoughts On The “Modern Woman.” Her Rant Was Nothing They Expected!

Grandma Was Asked Her Thoughts On The “Modern Woman.” Her Rant Was Nothing They Expected!

Patrick Dangermond

Mama Agnus is not happy with the state of the modern women and she is not afraid to show it.

In this spectacular rant, she talks about how tired she is of “welfare sponges,” lazy men and contemporary women. She’s also quick to point out the amount of women not raising their kids properly and then blaming it on their man.

“Now they may not like me for saying it, but these younger women today, they don’t even raise their children, their children raising them!” Agnus says. “A woman’s place is to raise her children, and at the end of the day, tell their husbands which one they had to almost kill.”

She goes on and on, enthusiastically divulging her opinion on multiple issues. Agnus’ controversial outburst, while debatable, is certainly entertaining to watch.

Listen to what she has to say about the roles of modern people and see if you agree with her attitudes and beliefs!

And of course, SHARE the love and PASS IT ON!