Woman Lights Great Value Cheese On Fire To Prove It Doesn’t Melt. Yikes!

Woman Lights Great Value Cheese On Fire To Prove It Doesn’t Melt. Yikes!

Angela Markus

Cheese is nearly unrivaled in its culinary versatility, and is as suitable on a silver platter as it is on a greasy slice of pizza. It is one of the greatest supplements in most recipes. You can have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and plain and simple, our lives will be empty without it. 

I think I can speak for most of us when I say we yearn for that gooey, melted essence that is cheese. So, why in world would the Great Value brand of cheese singles not melt? I mean, it defies everything we know about cheese.

Just ask Kelly Hendry. While making grilled cheese sandwiches one day, she realized the brand of cheese did not melt. She then posted a video holding up a slice against the flame of a gas lighter, and what happened? Nothing!

What makes this conundrum worst is this brand of cheese is sold at one of the largest shopping supercenters in the country. I think this is quite alarming, don’t you?

Unfortunately, this is the not the first of Great Value products to defy our senses. Recently during a test, Great Value ice cream refuse to melt in the sun.

Unbelievable! What do you think of this?

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