They Follow A Tracking Device On A Great White Shark, But What Happens Next Is Pure Mystery!

They Follow A Tracking Device On A Great White Shark, But What Happens Next Is Pure Mystery!

Ashley Rego

After being contracted to document Australia’s first large-scale great white shark tagging project, filmmaker Dave Riggs gladly accepted the challenge.

The goal of the project was to tag adult great white sharks so scientists could study their patterns of movement along the coast. But what the devices end up discovering instead, might have been a little more than what they bargained for.

Four months after the device was applied to the shark, the small electronic was found washed ashore by a local beachcomber, nearly two and a half miles from where it was originally attached. But it was the data that the tracker revealed that left scientists completely perplexed.

After investigating the tracker’s recorded data, the researchers discovered that the shark suddenly plunged, at high speeds, straight down the edge of a continental shelf. Within seconds, the tag documented a dramatic temperature shift from 46 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit. At such a low depth in the ocean, the only plausible explanation to this drastic increase in temperature is if the shark was in the belly of another living animal.

The question then is, WHAT creature could possibly eat a great white shark?! I’m not sure if we’ll ever find out, but this just goes to show how much of a mystery that deep blue sea truly is, and always will be.



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