Video Of A Catfish Eating Will Make You Rethink Going Out To The Lake This Weekend

Video Of A Catfish Eating Will Make You Rethink Going Out To The Lake This Weekend

Erika Carter

I love the water — but I don’t necessarily love what lives in the water. For whatever reason, fish give me the heebie jeebies. They’re slimy, slithery, and slick. Thinking about fish sort of makes my skin crawl. So, it’s no wonder that this video made me just about lose my mind.

The owner of a catfish decided to record his beloved pet eating. But apparently catfish aren’t like, say, goldfish who eat dry fish food flecks. Oh, no. Catfish eat other fish — other fish who are nearly the same size as they are.

Honestly, you have to see it to believe because it’s pretty insane. The catfish essentially swallows the other fish whole and you can see it moving around in its belly. It’s pretty sick, but also, admittedly, pretty cool.

The good thing about this video is that after seeing it, I know that if any of my kids one day ask if they can have a pet catfish, I know what to say. And the answer will be a firm “absolutely not.”

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