If You Think This Halloween Light Show Is Cool, Just Wait Till You See What Song It’s Synced To!

If You Think This Halloween Light Show Is Cool, Just Wait Till You See What Song It’s Synced To!

Erika Carter

Halloween isn’t just a night for ghouls, goblins and spooky decorations. It’s also a night to party! You have probably seen this family’s amazing light show before. Their impressive Halloween light show goes viral every year… and this year is no different!

Brandon Bullis, an electrical engineer (of course), rigs up his family’s beautiful home to turn it into a blinking supernova that rivals a hotel on the Vegas strip. Bullis programmed the entire show himself. In the past, it has featured mega hit songs like Gangnam Style and All About That Bass. This is just a minor sampling of a show that lasts 30 minutes and replays every half hour from 7 to 9pm.

The neighbors can’t be happy about all this noise though, right? Wrong! Because Bullis has the whole thing programmed through FM radio, the house doesn’t make a sound and all the passersby have to do is tune in on their car stereos. How cool is that? Honestly, we didn’t even know it was possible to do something like that. Though, again, we’re sure the neighbors are quite pleased about the lack of top 40s hits playing on a loop for a month straight.

In total, Bullis’s light show spectacular uses 8,500 bulbs. The good news is that they are all energy efficient, low wattage, LED lights that cut on costs and save on energy. Still, we can’t imagine the show is exactly cheap to put on… especially when it is year after year, but the family has no complaints. They enjoy putting on the show for neighbors and visitors, alike. Plus, they think their display really captures what Halloween is all about: having fun!

If you’re ever in Leesburg, Virginia, check this out! SHARE the love and pass it on!