Whether we’ve had a rough week, it’s a Friday evening, or we just feel like having a little fun — we all like to let loose with a few glasses (or bottles) of wine every now and then! We’re only human after all! But is it just human nature to want to get a little tipsy occasionally, or does that mentality apply to the whole animal kingdom?
I never thought animals liked to get drunk but after watching this video I’m not so sure! This clip from the 1974 nature film “Animals Are Beautiful People” shows what happens to animals in Africa after they eat Marula fruit.
Every year the Marula fruit comes into season and as it ripens, it falls to the ground where it starts to ferment. That’s when the animals of the region really love to eat it! Its sweet and tasty flavor make this fruit irresistible to them and, well, it gets them drunk too! What’s not to love?
This video documents what happens to monkeys, elephants, giraffes and more when they eat this fruit! You have to watch this video it’s ridiculous!
If you thought this video was as silly as I did, please SHARE the love and pass it on!