10-Year-Old Dog Has The Best Reaction When He’s Asked If It’s His Birthday

10-Year-Old Dog Has The Best Reaction When He’s Asked If It’s His Birthday

Genevieve Lopez

There’s something about birthdays that makes one feel special. What’s there not to love about all the presents, cake and attention you get on the day you turn a whole year wiser?

Apparently, we’re not the only ones who appreciate a little love on our special day. Dogs love birthdays too, and let 10-year-old Jäger show you just how much.

It’s his birthday and owner Jessica is smothering him with so much attention, he just can’t contain himself. After their morning walk, he wouldn’t stop pestering her, leaving her no choice but to grab her camera and record her excited birthday boy.

Watch as he wags his tail, sticks out his tongue, and goes mad over her excitement. His sister Cosette doesn’t quite get what all the fuss, but that’s not raining on Jäger’s parade. When you see just how happy this pup is on his special day, you won’t be able to help but smile.

Even sweeter is that Jäger is donating all of his birthday proceeds from this video to his favorite animal rescue group! Jessica says, “I think he’s become a kinder, gentler mutt since turning 10.” What a sweetie!

Happy Birthday, Jäger!

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