She Cuts The Tops Off All Her Hard-Boiled Eggs. The Result? ADORABLE!

She Cuts The Tops Off All Her Hard-Boiled Eggs. The Result? ADORABLE!

Bethany Burrows

With Easter on it’s way, it’s the perfect time to decide what new traditions you’ll start this year.

Instead of traditional deviled eggs, give yours an adorable spin and turn them into little chicks!

You only need a few things to get started. Hard-boiled eggs, mayo, mustard, peppercorns for the eyes and carrots for the beak and feet.

After you make your deviled egg mixture with the mayo and mustard, use a zip lock bag to pipe the mixture into your eggs. Put your chicks top back on and add its face before serving to your guests.

Everyone is going to be dying to try one of these chicks so you better make a double batch!

Looking for the perfect Easter dessert? Try these bunny cones or these hidden-carrot cupcakes!

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