He Found A Disgusting Yellow Lump On The Beach, It Turns Out To Be Worth A Small Fortune

He Found A Disgusting Yellow Lump On The Beach, It Turns Out To Be Worth A Small Fortune

Erika Carter

It’s very rare for something disgusting and revolting to turn out to be worth a small fortune. That’s what happened to a dog walker strolling down a beach in Wales. He saw (and smelled) a yellowish lump protruding out of the sand and investigated further. He found out that it was actually a rare substance called ambergris, a rare bioproduct produced by sperm whales. Even a small amount can be worth thousands of dollars.

The reason it’s worth so much is because it is commonly used in perfumes and medicine. Ambergris is formed in the digestive tract of sperm whales and is passed with fecal matter or vomit.

The particular piece in question weighs roughly two and a half pounds and could be worth over $10,000.Screen Shot 2015-09-10 at 9.35.19 AM

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Before you go out hunting for whale vomit/poop, just know that finding ambergris is extremely rare. Also, you don’t want to be known as the person who collects whale barf for a living.

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