Doctors Discover That Your Birth Month Could Reveal Your Future Health Risks

Doctors Discover That Your Birth Month Could Reveal Your Future Health Risks

Bethany Burrows

The month and day you were born can say a lot about you when it comes to the zodiac.

For example, if you’re a Gemini then chances are you’re an intellectual and analytical person, but if you’re a Virgo, you are most likely practical, loyal and stable.

Most people agree that horoscopes are silly and hold no actual truth, but doctors and scientists are saying that the month you are born in could determine your risk of developing different health conditions.

A study published by the Journal of American Medical Informatics Association states that there are 55 diseases that seem to depend greatly on birth month. 

Having been born in December it looks like the only thing I have to worry about is bruising! If this is true then I’m pretty happy about my results!

What month were you born in? Do any of the health risks listed correlate with your birth month?


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