He’s Been Waiting 9 Months For This Special Day. SEE Who’s The Most Eager To Meet The New Baby.

He’s Been Waiting 9 Months For This Special Day. SEE Who’s The Most Eager To Meet The New Baby.

Genevieve Lopez

It’s a delightful time when a baby is first introduced into a home. But parents aren’t the only ones eager to meet the newest member of the family. We often forget how excited our cuddly companions stuffed with cotton feel when they’re lives go from stillness on a bookshelf to a jumble of slobber, burgers and life.

In this adorable animation, you’ll see just how eager Teddy is to meet his new best friend. After 9 months of waiting, the day has come to introduce himself. When you see the bond these two have together, you’ll know they were a match made in heaven!

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