They Found Two Homeless Buddies In a Trash Heap. When They Offer Them Food, The Most Beautiful Thing Happens

They Found Two Homeless Buddies In a Trash Heap. When They Offer Them Food, The Most Beautiful Thing Happens

Angela Markus

Rescue videos always seem to fill up my tear ducts. But this one is just plain adorable. Eldad Hagar and his wife have been fostering hundreds of animals in their home for the past eight years. The couple created Hope for Paws to help animals who suffer and die every year because of negligence and abuse.

Recently, they received a video text message about two small homeless dogs living on a trash heap in Los Angeles. A female poodle and a male terrier mix were the inseparable best friends who depended on each other for strength and survival. The two dogs ended up living on trash. The good people at Hope For Paws came in and saved the day.

It was clear that these best friends were ready to be rescued. When the rescue team showed up to transport them to their new lives, they were willing for the most part, as long as they were together. It’s incredible to watch how each of the two dogs made sure the other was safe throughout the rescue.

The friendly pair was named Dill and Pickles and were taken to the vet after their rescue. Dill and Pickles transformation from homeless buddies into happy rescue pups will be the highlight of your day. When you see them standing and smiling side-by-side at the very end, I guarantee your heart will fill up with joy!

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