Make DIY Sunscreen Without All The Chemicals!

Homemade Sunscreen

Make DIY Sunscreen Without All The Chemicals!

Patrick Dangermond

During the spring and summer months, it is INCREDIBLY important to protect your skin. You can get burned after just a few minutes of exposure! Putting on sunscreen protects your skin from harmful UV rays and helps to prevent skin cancer.

PopSugar has found an excellent recipe for a healthy, all-natural sunscreen without the harmful chemicals you might find in the store-bought brands. It only has three ingredients – four if you want to add a scent – and will provide you with protection from the elements.

While this recipe won’t provide the all-day protection that you might find in an SPF 50 brand sunscreen from the store, it’s perfect for when you’re walking around the town and need some protection!

Make this yourself and give it a try!

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