There’s Something Suspicious Inside Of This Orange. What Is It?! ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!

There’s Something Suspicious Inside Of This Orange. What Is It?! ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!

Ashley Rego

Whether your camping, entertaining, or need a quick dessert to grab on the go, this unique treat is the perfect go-to!

If you’ve seen one of the many mug cake videos out there, this is somewhat of an adaptation of those. Instead of using a mug, however, in this tutorial you’re going to use an orange!

It’s so easy, the idea is almost genius! Simply cut off the top of the orange, scoop out the meat, pour cake batter (or brownie mix if you prefer) into the hollowed out bowl and pop into the microwave. What’s great about this recipe is that it’s so versatile. If you’re camping – wrap it in tinfoil and place it in the fire. If you’re at home, cover in tinfoil and throw it in the oven. Or if your short in time, again, just chuck it in the microwave!

I think I’ll take this recipe with me camping for an easy yet delicious fireside dessert!

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