She Wraps An Egg In A Scarf For The Most GORGEOUS Reason! Just Wait!

She Wraps An Egg In A Scarf For The Most GORGEOUS Reason! Just Wait!

Ashley Rego

There are so many different ways to decorate Easter eggs these days, I’m going to have a hard time trying to pick and choose which ways to do mine!

There is one particular DIY, however, that I am VERY excited about – silk dyed eggs!

When I first saw this video, the final results looked oddly familiar. That’s when I realized that these were how my grandmother used to decorate her Easter eggs! I always loved how beautiful they turned out, yet I could never figure out how she did it!

Turns out, granny had a little trick up her sleeve!

With silk scarves and a little vinegar, now I can create these gorgeous Easter eggs too!

SHARE this wonderfully creative way to turn your Easter eggs into a thing of beauty!