This Husband Joins His Wife In The Pool. When I Realized What Was Happening I was in SHOCK!

This Husband Joins His Wife In The Pool. When I Realized What Was Happening I was in SHOCK!

Ashley Rego

Giving birth is one of the most magnificent things that can ever happen to a woman. These days, most women choose to have their baby in the comfort of a hospital with medicine readily available. While there is nothing wrong with this and it is beautiful in its own right, a natural water birth at home is so raw and uncommon it becomes an almost magical experience!

This emotional video records one of the most wonderful moments the couple will ever share together. Both husband and wife sit in the water, ready for the highly anticipated instant they will finally meet their son. Together they pull out their baby boy and it couldn’t be more touching to watch.

The couple will be able to keep this incredibly moving moment with them for the rest of their lives with this breathtaking video! Watch and SHARE!