Husky Hilariously Refuses To Go To The Kennel

Husky Hilariously Refuses To Go To The Kennel

Angela Markus

Dogs are very much like humans in many ways. They are like children when they do not want to do something. If you are not a dog owner, or you do not believe me, just watch this Husky.

Blaze is an adorable but obstinate 11-month-old Husky who doesn’t want to go into his kennel and has no problem saying so. By using a combination of his verbal skills and his body weight, Blaze makes it very clear that it’s not going to happen.

After all, who wants to be locked away in a kennel for several hours with no freedom? We often forget that animals value their free time, even in small amounts. They sometimes end up in their homes, waiting for us to return home for the day. Some might love it, while other, like Blaze, don’t.

Blaze does not care to go anywhere. This beautiful dog even goes as far as vocalizing his protests in a hilarious way. If you listen closely, it sounds as if Blaze is saying “no” over and over. His protests are very comical, and he doesn’t budge an inch for his owner. Blaze obviously doesn’t like the confines of his kennel and just the mere mention of going to them makes him demonstrate.

I must say that he has developed a hilarious and impressive way to protest.

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